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Scratch Curbside Booking Form
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Before going any further, please take a look at our Events Calendar (will open in a new page so you don't lose your form) to see which dates are available. Page forward to MAY. To increase the likelihood of scheduling a date, please choose more than one option, if you're able. Thank you!

Is this event public or private?
What type of event is this?
Is there a ticket or entrance fee for customers to attend?

We create a Facebook Event for each Curbside stop during the season. Does your event or location have a Facebook page? If yes, please provide the entire URL (not just the page name). This will avoid us tagging the wrong event or page! We will work to add you as a co-host for the event to aide in promotions.



Submit this form to request a date for Scratch Curbside to come to your town, festival, or event!


***If you are submitting this booking form, please add our contact email,, to your safe senders list! A lot of our email goes to junk mail and we hope to avoid missed communication!***

Please flip through the Events Calendar to ensure your requested date is available (Monday through Saturday, May - October). Any date with a blue event is already booked and we update this calendar constantly! Sunday events are generally not available due to staffing.

Events are not booked on a first-come, first-served basis, but we do our best! Those events we are able to attend are generally those that are being well-promoted, are piggybacking an event/promotion, and/or have a public presence (such as a Facebook or instagram page), so be sure to tell us as much as possible about your request!


Once you've confirmed your date is available (please note this changes often throughout the spring season, often multiple times each day), please complete the form on the left. Fill out the form *in it's entirety* and click submit! That's it!! We receive hundreds of requests each season, so please be patient as we work to schedule your may be a few weeks before we're able to confirm!!

Please do not submit your event request more than once!


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